Character Input

Character Input — Waiting for a single keystroke

Types and Values

#define keycode_Unknown
#define keycode_Left
#define keycode_Right
#define keycode_Up
#define keycode_Down
#define keycode_Return
#define keycode_Delete
#define keycode_Escape
#define keycode_Tab
#define keycode_PageUp
#define keycode_PageDown
#define keycode_Home
#define keycode_End
#define keycode_Func1
#define keycode_Func2
#define keycode_Func3
#define keycode_Func4
#define keycode_Func5
#define keycode_Func6
#define keycode_Func7
#define keycode_Func8
#define keycode_Func9
#define keycode_Func10
#define keycode_Func11
#define keycode_Func12


#include <libchimara/glk.h>


You can request that the player hit a single key. See Character Input Events.

If you use the basic text API, the character code which is returned can be any value from 0 to 255. The printable character codes have already been described. The remaining codes are typically control codes: control+A to control+Z and a few others.

There are also a number of special codes, representing special keyboard keys, which can be returned from a char-input event. These are represented as 32-bit integers, starting with 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) and working down. The special key codes are defined in the glk.h file. They include one code for return or enter, one for delete or backspace, twelve function keys, and one code for any key which has no Latin-1 or special code. The full list of key codes is included below.

Various implementations of Glk will vary widely in which characters the player can enter. The most obvious limitation is that some characters are mapped to others. For example, most keyboards return a control+I code when the tab key is pressed. The Glk library, if it can recognize this at all, will generate a keycode_Tab event (value 0xFFFFFFF7) when this occurs. Therefore, for these keyboards, no keyboard key will generate a control+I event (value 9.) The Glk library will probably map many of the control codes to the other special keycodes.

On the other hand, the library may be very clever and discriminate between tab and control+I. This is legal. The idea is, however, that if your program asks the player to “press the tab key”, you should check for a keycode_Tab event as opposed to a control+I event.

Some characters may not be enterable simply because they do not exist.

Not all keyboards have a home or end key. A pen-based platform may not recognize any control characters at all.

Some characters may not be enterable because they are reserved for the purposes of the interface. For example, the Mac Glk library reserves the tab key for switching between different Glk windows. Therefore, on the Mac, the library will never generate a keycode_Tab event or a control+I event.

Note that the linefeed or control+J character, which is the only printable control character, is probably not typable. This is because, in most libraries, it will be converted to keycode_Return. Again, you should check for keycode_Return if your program asks the player to “press the return key”.

The delete and backspace keys are merged into a single keycode because they have such an astonishing history of being confused in the first place... this spec formally waives any desire to define the difference. Of course, a library is free to distinguish delete and backspace during line input. This is when it matters most; conflating the two during character input should not be a large problem.

You can test for this by using the gestalt_CharInput selector.

Glk porters take note: it is not a goal to be able to generate every single possible key event. If the library says that it can generate a particular keycode, then game programmers will assume that it is available, and ask players to use it. If a keycode_Home event can only be generated by typing escape control+A, and the player does not know this, the player will be lost when the game says “Press the home key to see the next hint.” It is better for the library to say that it cannot generate a keycode_Home event; that way the game can detect the situation and ask the user to type H instead.

Of course, it is better not to rely on obscure keys in any case. The arrow keys and return are nearly certain to be available; the others are of gradually decreasing reliability, and you (the game programmer) should not depend on them. You must be certain to check for the ones you want to use, including the arrow keys and return, and be prepared to use different keys in your interface if gestalt_CharInput says they are not available.


Types and Values


#define keycode_Unknown  (0xffffffff)

Represents any key that has no Latin-1 or special code.


#define keycode_Left     (0xfffffffe)

Represents the left arrow key.


#define keycode_Right    (0xfffffffd)

Represents the right arrow key.


#define keycode_Up       (0xfffffffc)

Represents the up arrow key.


#define keycode_Down     (0xfffffffb)

Represents the down arrow key.


#define keycode_Return   (0xfffffffa)

Represents the return or enter keys.


#define keycode_Delete   (0xfffffff9)

Represents the delete or backspace keys.


#define keycode_Escape   (0xfffffff8)

Represents the escape key.


#define keycode_Tab      (0xfffffff7)

Represents the tab key.


#define keycode_PageUp   (0xfffffff6)

Represents the page up key.


#define keycode_PageDown (0xfffffff5)

Represents the page down key.


#define keycode_Home     (0xfffffff4)

Represents the home key.


#define keycode_End      (0xfffffff3)

Represents the end key.


#define keycode_Func1    (0xffffffef)

Represents the F1 key.


#define keycode_Func2    (0xffffffee)

Represents the F2 key.


#define keycode_Func3    (0xffffffed)

Represents the F3 key.


#define keycode_Func4    (0xffffffec)

Represents the F4 key.


#define keycode_Func5    (0xffffffeb)

Represents the F5 key.


#define keycode_Func6    (0xffffffea)

Represents the F6 key.


#define keycode_Func7    (0xffffffe9)

Represents the F7 key.


#define keycode_Func8    (0xffffffe8)

Represents the F8 key.


#define keycode_Func9    (0xffffffe7)

Represents the F9 key.


#define keycode_Func10   (0xffffffe6)

Represents the F10 key.


#define keycode_Func11   (0xffffffe5)

Represents the F11 key.


#define keycode_Func12   (0xffffffe4)

Represents the F12 key.