What the Library Does

What the Library Does — How to implement the Blorb layer in your library


Each library must implement giblorb_set_resource_map(), if it wishes to support Blorb at all. Generally, this function should create a Blorb map and stash it away somewhere. It may also want to stash the stream itself, so that the library can read data directly from it.

giblorb_set_resource_map() should return giblorb_err_None (0) if it succeeded, or the appropriate Blorb error code if not. See Blorb Errors.

The library must also link in the gi_blorb.c file. Most of this should compile without difficulty on any platform. However, it does need to allocate memory. As supplied, gi_blorb.c calls the ANSI functions malloc(), realloc(), and free(). If this is not appropriate on your OS, feel free to change these calls. They are isolated at the end of the file.


The Chimara library uses the GLib functions g_malloc(), g_realloc(), and g_free() because of their additional error-checking features.